Nominate an Outstanding Young Farmer

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers Program is designed to recognize young farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession. Eligible nominees must be farm operators between the ages of 18 and 39 who derive a minimum of two-thirds of their income from their farm operations. Each year a individual, couple or managing partner/shareholder of a farm group is selected from each of the program’s seven Regional Recognition Events to represent their respective region at the National Recognition Event.


Meet our 2024 Finalists



Are you passionate about agriculture in Canada? The Outstanding Young Farmers Memorial Scholarship supports future generations in the pursuit of their passion. Two $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to students pursuing post secondary education in agriculture.  The annual application deadline is June 30th.

Click here to apply

W.R. Motherwell Award

Dr. Motherwell was a leader in Canadian agriculture for over 50 years. He is the namesake of the W.R. Motherwell Award, presented annually to an individual or couple who demonstrate excellence in leadership and dedication to the Outstanding Young Farmers Program and the agriculture industry.

Click here to nominate

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers program is more than a showcase for Canada’s Outstanding Agriculture Industry, the national event brings all of Canada’s grassroots ag producers together to celebrate the struggles and the successes of the work people do everyday. It is an opportunity to learn from each other, talk about what we do in agriculture, renew old friendships and to make new friendships. Greg & Sarah Stamp AB 2023 SlideSlideSlideSlideSlideSlideSlideSlide

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